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Product Code: 7312674673


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In stoc
The full pro gain fast steroid cycle is a professional cycle consisting of several products to gain weight fast because the first time the loading was done. You don't have to be scared of the table because it's very easy to hold down. I always recommend during the loading period to put at least 5 kg in addition to the desired kg because after the definition cycle that is done after the loading period of 20 kg loaded volume remains with 10 kg mass super quality


  This cycle includes


 Injections and orals are given only in the morning!

 Charging cycle

 30 ampoules sustanon se admin 1 ampoule Monday 1 Wednesday and 1 Friday for 10 weeks

 4 cans of danabol 10 mg is administered in the morning after meals 5 pills

 30 ampoules of enanthate trenbolone are administered 1 ampoule on Monday 1 Wednesday and 1 Friday for 10 weeks with sustanon in the same syringe
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