Induject Alpha Pharma ( Sustanon )
Product Code: 83137edh

Sustanon belongs to the category of injectable steroids being an anabolic steroid in oil-based form. Sustanon contains four different testosterone esters that act over a long period of time, having s synergistic effect even from the beginning. Sustanon has a high anabolic effect and is used in cycles to increase muscle mass and physical strength. Sustanon brings muscle mass gains from 7 kg to maximum 12 kg in one month. It contains 4 products, it is highly concentrated, it is really magical! It is a revolutionary product on the market that produces a fantastic muscle mass explosion, strength and resistance; it is quoted with 10 in mass gains and 8 on maintenance. During the cycle with Sustaton, Tamoxifen is used to combat estrogen - 10mg per day is enough. Only in special cases of aromatase predisposition or if the breasts hurt - 30 mg / day. For maximum effects one can take Arimidex or Proviron after the end of the cycle. Post cure cycle is administered 2 weeks after the last injection with Sustanon.
Small secrets of maximum importance during steroids diet, e.g. Sustanon.
During the cure it is very important to eat at least 3 protein meals a day, sleep until 12 o'clock and have sex maximum once a week because all synthetic and natural growth hormones of the body are eliminated by ejaculation.
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Highly protein meals consist of fish (pangasius, trout, mackerel, salmon), light dairy products like whey - that is essential for muscle growth or sour milk – that has the highest whey protein concentration. Other high-protein products: chicken breasts have the highest meat protein concentration; soy and beans - these vegetables have a very high protein concentration; rice is vital for bodybuilders every day - it is necessary to consume both puffed (expanded) and normal rice. For further details you can discuss with me using messenger id or on website chat.
Essential nutrition during steroids cure!
Fruits are essential because they contain antioxidants that are very important during steroid consumption; antioxidants are not only vital to the body, but also they play an important role in the energy of training and in muscular tonus. One apple per day is enough for the body to assimilate the needed antioxidants. Even if many people avoid chocolate consumption, it plays an important role in muscle steroid cycle time, and not only normal chocolate can be taken by those who want to rapidly gain muscle mass, but also black chocolate can be consumed by those who use slimming cycles as it is low in carbohydrates.
Training during steroid cycle!
As a workout during fast gaining muscle mass cure, a heavy workout is done to force the muscle until it feels like burning; few exercises with very heavy weights are done, while many exercises with lighter weights are performed for maximum muscle definition cycle at high intensity (fast movements).
A professional workout description will be sent free of charge in the package of any ordered cycle. This training session is based on the most basic steps and reveals many secrets that have to be respected during the cycle and the training time. For any questions about any product do not hesitate to contact me! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WORK!!!